Laboratory of inorganic sorbents and anticorrosive coatings

The laboratory was established in 2001. The Head of the Laboratory is V. Shablovskii, Ph.D.

Directions of the research activity:

  • modification of inorganic polymeric materials containing phosphates and d-metal oxides with the aim to create on their basis selective sorbents, anticorrosive and antifouling coatings;
  • development of technologies for the production of phosphate anticorrosive coatings and pigments, inorganic sorbents based on hydroxides, phosphates, d-metals silicates as well as activated carbon for medical purposes;
  • creation of new hemosorbents;
  • creation of disinfectants belonging to a new generation based on organic peracids for sanation of facilities and equipment in the food, dairy and meat industry, agriculture;
  • creation of new acid, alkaline, enzymatic technical detergents for equipment cleaning in the food, dairy and meat industry;
  • development of heat-resistant materials on the basis of phosphate and silicate binders (adhesives, coatings, thermal protective, lining, fire retarding materials with a maximum operating temperature of 1600 °C).

Main achievements:

  • physicochemical properties of d-metals phosphates have been investigated, compositions of phosphating concentrates for the treatment of metal surfaces, rust converters, anticorrosive pigments have been worked out;
  • methods for production of a number of highly selective inorganic sorbents based on oxides and phosphates of d-metals for drinking water purification, electroplating waste draines refinement and sewage treatment, including radios. ^tive liquid-waste draines have been worked out and physicochemical properties of
  • these sorbents have been studied;
  • original schemes for production of a number of liquid disinfectants on the basis of organic carboxylic peracids for sanation of facilities and equipment at the enterprises of the dairy and meat industry, agriculture houses, as well as powdered disinfectant have been developed;
  • one-step technology for granular coal hemosorbent production for medical purposes have been developed for the first time.


  • phosphating concentrates for corrosion protection KFP- 1, KFP-3, FP-3 (Diploma at the VII Moscow International fair of innovations and investments in 2007);
  • rust transformer «Superantikor» (Diploma at the VII Moscow International fair of innovations and investments in 2007);
  • sorbents FT and FLAM for water purafication, electroplating waste draines refinement, wine materials purafication from heavy metal its production has been mastered at SPA CoLtd «Navigator»;
  • disinfectant «Nadkarbosept» for the sanation of farm animal houses;
  • disinfectants: «Navisan-1» for the complex, «cold» disinfection of equipment and premises at the enterprises of the food industry, householdand residential premises, vehicles (silver medal at the XIII International Exhibition- congress «Hi­Tech. Investments. Innovations», St. Petersburg-2008); «Navisan-vet» for processing of facilities and equipment of slaughterhouses at meat- processing plants; «Navisan- Agro»for
    processing of vegetable stores before storage of products; «Navisan- DD» for simultaneous disinfection and disinfestation of agricultural premises; «Navisan-NM» for enzyme, acid and alkaline cleaning of membranes in installation for milk whey condensing;
  • disinfectant with detergent effect «Tubisan» for complete inactivation of the pathogens of tuberculosis in places of cattle maintance; its production has been mastered at Co.Ltd «Bikrask».
  • disinfectant «Meladez» for processing molasses of yeast production.
  • disinfectants «Sanitek» and «Sanitek-2» for sanitizing facilities and equipment in the food processing industry;
  • thermostable materials with a working temperature 1600 °C:

         - glueing compositions for metals, ceramics, glass, wood, graphite;
         - fireproof materials: lining, repair and masonry mortars;
         - composite materials including textolites;
         - unfired ceramics, paints, compounds
         -neutron- and microwave absorbing screens.

Main publications:

  1. Zhao X. D., Cheng Y. F., Shablovski V., Vrubleuskaya O., Tychkovskaya A.  Inhibitive Performance of a Rust Converter on Corrosion of Mild Steel // J. Mater. Eng. and Perform. 2014. Vol. 23. № 11. P. 4102-4108.
  2. Plyushch A., Bychanok D., Kuzhir P., Maksimenko S., Lapko K.,  Sokol L, Banys J., Micciulla F., Cataldo A., Bellucci S. Heart-resistant unfired phosphate ceramics with carbon nanotubes forelectromagnetic application // Phys. Status Solidi. A. 2014. Vol. 211. No. 11. P. 2580-2585.   . p://
  3. Xiaodong Z., Weijie F., Xiqiu F., Chablovski V., Tuchkovskaya A.,Vrubleuskaya V.Electrochemical characterization of rust converter based on phosphoric acid  // J. Chem. Pharmaceutical Research.  2013. № 5(12).  P. 495-501.
  4. Shablovski V. A., Tuchkovskaya A. V., Belyakov V.N., Vasilyuk S.L.. Treating microbiological fluids with metal filters, characterized by variable sign and magnitude charge of surface  // J. Water and Water P urification Technologies. 2011. №1 (3).
  5. Bel’kov M. V., Skornyakov I. V., Tolstorozhev G. B., Tuchkovskaya A. V., Shablovski V. A.. Infrared spectra of carbon hemosorbents //J. Appl.Spectroscopy. 2009. Vol. 76. Issue 5. P. 656-659.