Main reserch areas

• investigation of the regularities of nanocrystalline and amorphous metal, alloy, metal-oxide and complex-oxide materials synthesis by chemical, electrochemical, photochemical methods formation ;

• development of methods for modifying natural polysaccharides in order to increase their biological activity and creation of new medicines;

• investigation of free radical reactions of biologically important substances and their simulate compounds; development of methods of directed search and production of new pharmacologically active substances on the basis of free radical processes regulators;

• development of energy-saving production technologies of organic substances;

• synthesis and modification of the inorganic materials on the basis of phosphates and metal oxides in order to develop sorbents and disinfectants;

• development of effective methods for the synthesis of new organic compounds (polynitrogen, acyclic, heterocyclic, organophosphorous);

• quantum and chemical investigation of the structure and properties of small clusters of transition metals, semiconductors and a number of azole compounds;

• investigation of the relationship «structure-function» for drugs and pharmacologically active substances of protein-peptide and steroid nature; creation of transgenic strains of microorganisms for the directed synthesis of biologically active substances;

• creation of new composite materials for technical, medical and agricultural purposes by chemical modification of natural and synthetic polymers;

• development of new methods of separation, isolation, concentration and analysis of substances, as well as creation of new materials, kits, devices and methods for medical diagnosis, environmental monitoring, quality control and certification of products on the basis of the research of extraction and sorption processes;

• conduction of research work to ensure the activities of the republican bodies of state administration in the field of science, technology and innovation.