Innovations division

The division was established in 2003, the Head of the division is Yu. Nechepurenko, Ph.D, Honored Worker of BSU.

Directions of the activity:

• conduction of market research to promote scientific and technological products created in the Institute at the domestic and foreign markets;
• normative and methodological and consulting support of the Institute departments on the creation, legal protection and use of intellectual property offices, patent-licensing;
• organizational and legal support for the transfer of the results of scientific and technological activity created at the Institute, including on a license basis, to potential customers;
• information support of the departments of the Institute in carrying out research, development and engineering works;
• carrying out advertising and exhibition activities;
• conduction of research work to ensure activities of the republican government bodies in the field of science, technology and innovation.

Main achievements:

• the system of intellectual property management at the branch and corporate levels has been developed;
• RI PCP BSU was recognized as the winner in the competition of 2012 year «Organization of inventive activity and management of intellectual property» and was awarded to the Diploma of the National Center for Intellectual Property;
• 150 applications for issuing protective documents for industrial property rights facilities were filled, 139 patents for inventions, 6 utility model patents wereobtained, 17 trademarks were registered in the patent office in 2004-2013;

• 26 licensing agreements for the right to use the results of scientific and technical activities, containing objects of industrial property rights was been concluded in 2004-2013;

• developments of the Institutepresented in the 2004-2013 have been marked with the Grand Prix, 47 medals (22 gold, 16 silver and 8 bronze and one special) and 26 diplomas on international exhibitions and salons.