Laboratory of biochemistry of drugs
The laboratory was established in 1996. The Head of the laboratory is Y. Faletrov, Ph.D., Associate Professor.
Directions of the research activity:
- investigation of structure-activity relationships for peptides and proteins, using as medicines;
- development of transgenic microorganism for purposes of directed synthesis of biologically active substances;
- combined ultrasonic-enzymatic thrombolysis, use of enzymes in replacement therapy.

Main achievements:
- enzymatic microreactors for synthesis of radioactively-Iabeled steroids have been created based on the phenomenon of «molecular recognition»;
- a new experimental-theoretical model for estimating direct and side effects of the drug compounds has been proposed based on regularities of steroids transformations in transgenic microorganisms and methods of bioinformatics;
- enzyme activity of bacteria in relation to fluorescent analogues of cholesterol has been established, which is crucial to develop new methods for diagnostics of pathological conditions with participation of cholesterol;
- molecular mechanisms of pulsed low- frequency ultrasonic effect on the precursor molecules and active forms of several enzymes have been discovered in the development of a new ultrasonic-enzymatic treatment of thromboembolic conditions.
Main publications of the last years:
- Panada J., Klopava V., Kulahava T., Koran S., Faletrov Y., Frolova N., Fomina E., Shkumatov V.Differential induction of C6 glioma apoptosis and autophagy by 3β-hydroxysteroid-indolamine conjugates // Steroids. 2023. 200, 109326.
- Хорецкий М.С., Фролова Н.С., Шкуматов В.М. Липофильность BODIPY флуорофоров и их распределение в системе октанол-1-вода // Известия Национальной академии наук Беларуси. Серия химических наук. 2023. Т. 59, № 2. С. 150-161. (in Russ)
- Horetski M., Gorlova A., Płocińska R., Brzostek A., Faletrov Y., Dziadek J., Shkumatov V. Synthesis, Optical Properties, Preliminary Antimycobacterial Evaluation and Docking Studies of Trifluoroacetylated 3-Pyrrolyl Boron-Dipyrromethene // ChemistrySelect. 2022. 7 (22), e202200506.
- Sluchanko N.N., Slonimskiy Y.B., Egorkin N.A., Varfolomeeva L.A., Kleymenov S.Yu., Minyaev M.E., Faletrov Y.V., Moysenovich A.M., Parshina E.Yu., Friedrich T., Maksimov E.G., Boyko K.M., Popov V.O. Structural basis for the carotenoid binding and transport function of a START domain // Structure. 2022. 30 (12), 1647-1659.e4.
- Sluchanko N.N., Slonimskiy Y.B., Egorkin N.A., Varfolomeeva L.A., Faletrov Y.V., Moysenovich A.M., Parshina E.Yu., Friedrich T., Maksimov E.G., Boyko K.M., Popov V.O. Silkworm carotenoprotein as an efficient carotenoid extractor, solubilizer and transporter // Int. J. Biol. Macromol. 2022. 223 (part A), 1381-1393.
- Gvozdev M.Y., Loginova N.V., Ksendzova G.A., Osipovich N.P., Koval’chuk-Rabchinskaya T.V., Faletrov Y.V., Khodosovskaya A.M., Evtushenkov A.N. Bismuth(III) Complexes with Schiff Bases: Synthesis, Characterization, Interaction with Biomolecules, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activity // Medicinal chemistry (Shāriqah (United Arab Emirates). 2023. 19. (ISSN 1573-4064/1875-6638)
- Faletrov Y.V., Staravoitava V.A., Dudko A.R., Shkumatov V.M. Application of docking-based inverse high throughput virtual screening to found phytochemical covalent inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 main protease, NSP12 and NSP16 // Research Square. 2022.
- Минеева И.В., Фалетров Я.В., Старовойтова В.А., Шкуматов В.М. Синтез новых 1,4-дигидропиридинов: оптимизация условий синтеза и in silico анализ биоактивности полученных соединений // Журнал органической химии. 2022. Т. 58, № 3. С. 248-263. (in Russ)
- Минеева И.В., Фалетров Я.В., Старовойтова В.А., Шкуматов В.М. Синтез, in silico прогноз биологической активности и острая токсичность тиазоло[3,2-а]пиримидинов, содержащих фрагменты алифатических альдегидов // Журнал органической химии. 2022. Т. 58, № 7. С. 686-705. (in Russ)
- Минеева И.В., Шкуматов В.М. Применение 2-замещенных функционализированных аллилбромидов для s-функционализации 3,4-дигидропиримидин-2(1h)-тионов // Журнал органической химии. 2022. Т.58, №9. С. 975-984. (in Russ)
- Фалетров Я.В., Старовойтова В.А., Позняк Г.И., Шкуматов В.М. Дикетоны природного происхождения как потенциальные ковалентные лиганды белков SARS-CoV-2: исследование in silico методом докинга // Известия Национальной академии наук Беларуси. Серия химических наук. 2022. Т. 58, № 3. С. 280-285. (in Russ)
- Фалетров Я.В., Малюгин В.О., Фролова Н.С., Шкуматов В.М. In silico оценка новых аффинных взаимодействий метилкумарина с цитохромами P450 // Известия Национальной академии наук Беларуси. Серия химических наук. 2022. Т. 58, № 2. С. 186-190. (in Russ)
- Фалетров Я.В., Позняк Г.И., Яковец П.С., Фролова Н.С., Шкуматов В.М. In silico оценка новых аффинных взаимодействий метилкумарина с цитохромами P450 // Известия Национальной академии наук Беларуси. Серия химических наук. 2022. Т. 58, № 1. С. 62-67. (in Russ)
- Bardakova K.N., Faletrov Y.V., Epifanov E.O., Minaev N.V., Kaplin V.S., Piskun Y.A., Koteneva P.I., Shkumatov V.M., Aksenova N.A., Shpichka A.I., Solovieva A.B., Kostjuk S.V., Timashev P.S. A Hydrophobic Derivative of Ciprofloxacin as a New Photoinitiator of Two-Photon Polymerization: Synthesis and Usage for the Formation of Biocompatible Polylactide-Based 3D Scaffolds // Polymers. 2021. V. 13. P. 3385.
- Минеева И.В., Фалетров Я.В., Старовойтова В.А., Шкуматов В.М. Синтез новых тиазоло[3,2-а]пиримидинов и in silico анализ их биоактивности // Известия Национальной академии наук Беларуси. Серия химических наук. 2021. Т. 57. С. 456-463. (in Russ)
- Panada J, Klopava V, Kulahava T, Frolova N, Faletrov Y, Shkumatov V. New 3(3-hydroxysteroid-indolamine conjugates: Design, synthesis and inhibition of C6 glioma cell proliferation // Steroids. 2020. Vol. 164. P. 108728. doi: 10.1016/j.steroids.2020.108728.
- Faletrov Y.V., Efimova V.S., Horetski M.S., Tugaeva K.V., Frolova N.S., Lin Q., Isaeva L.V., Rubtsov M.A., Sluchanko N.N., Novikova L.A., Shkumatov V.M. New 20-hydroxycholesterol-like compounds with fluorescent NBD or alkyne labels: Synthesis, in silico interactions with proteins and uptake by yeast cells // Chem. Phys. Lipids. 2020. Vol. 227. P. 104850. doi: 10.1016/j.chemphyslip.2019.104850.
- Faletrov Y.V., Efimova V.S., Horetsk iM.S., Tugaeva K.V., Frolova N.S., Lin Q.-Q., Isaeva L.V., Rubtsov MA., Sluchanko N.N., Novikova L.A., Shkumatov V.M. New 20-hydroxycholesterol-like compounds with fluorescent NBD or alkyne labels: synthesis, in silico interactions with proteins and uptake by yeast cells // Chem. Phys. Lipids. 2019. 10.1016/j.chemphyslip.2019.104850 (IF 2,536)
- Tugaeva K.V., Faletrov Y.V., Allakhverdiev E.S., Shkumatov V.M., Maksimov E.G., Sluchanko N.N. Effect of the NBD-group position on interaction of fluorescently-labeled cholesterol analogues with human steroidogenic acute regulatory protein STARD1 // Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2018. Vol. 497. P. 58-64 (IF2,466)
- Loginova N.V., Harbatsevich H.I., Koval’chuk T.V., Osipovich N.P., Halauko Y.S., Faletrov Y.V., Gres A.T. E. Redox-active metal complexes with cycloaminomethyl derivatives of diphenols: antibacterial and SOD-like activity, reduction of cytochrome c// Antibacterials: Synthesis, Properties and Biological Activities. – Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publisher’s. 2017. .P.143–180.
- Faletrov Y., Brzostek A., Plocinska R., Dziadek J., Rudaya E., Edimecheva I., Shkumatov V. Uptake and metabolism of fluorescent steroids by mycobacterial cells// Steroids. 2017. Vol. 117. P.29-37doi: 10.1016. (IF 2,432).
- Rathi B, Latha N, Faletrov Y, Bhargava P, Shkumatov V. EDITORIAL: New Avenues in Controlling Infectious Diseases// Curr Top Med Chem. 2017. Vol.17. P.2113. (IF 1,15).
- Harutyunyan H., Mkrtchyan V., Sukiasyan K., Sahakyan G., Poghosyan G., Soghomonyan A., Cherniavsky E., Bondarenko E., Shkumatov V. Effect of in vivo and in vitro exposure to electrostatic field on some hematological parameters in rats // Bioelectromagnetics 2016. Vol. 37, № 8. P.513–526 DOI: 10.1002/bem.22000 (1.583)
- Panada J.U., Faletrov Y.V., Shkumatov V.M. Synthesis and in silico evaluation of 16β-azido pregnenolone analogue as a clickable substrate for steroidconverting enzymes // SDRP J. Comp. Chem. Mol. Model. 2016. Vol. 1. P. 1-3. (IF 1.438)
- Faletrov Y., Brzostek A., Plocinska R., Dziadek J., E. Rudaya, I. Edimecheva, V. Shkumatov Uptake and metabolism of fluorescent steroids by mycobacterial cells // Steroids. – 2016. – DOI:10.1016/j.steroids.2016.10.001 (IF 2.513)
- Loginova N.V., Koval’chuk T.V., Gres A.T., Osipovich N.P., Polozov G.I., HalaukoYu.S., Faletrov Y.V., Harbatsevich H.I., Hlushko A.V., Azarko I.I., BokshitsYu.V. Redox-active metal complexes of sterically hindered phenolic ligands: Antibacterial activity and reduction of cytochrome c. Part IV. Sil-ver(I) complexes with hydrazone and thiosemicarbazone derivatives of 4,6-di-tert-butyl-2,3-dihydroxybenzaldehyde // Polyhedron. 2015. Vol. 88. P. 125-137 (IF 2.011).
- Sluchanko N.N., Tugaeva K.V., Faletrov Y.V., Levitsky D.I. High-yield soluble expression, purification and characterization of human steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (StAR) fused to a cleava-ble Maltose-Binding Protein (MBP) // Protein Expr. Purif. 2015. Vol. 119. P.27-35. (IF 1.695)
- Sluchanko N.N., Tugaeva K.V., Faletrov Y.V., Levitsky D. High-yield soluble expression, purification and characterization of human steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (StAR) fused to a cleavable Maltose-Binding Protein (MBP) // Protein Expr Purif. 2016 Vol. 119. P. 27-35 DOI: 10.1016/j.pep.2015.11.002.(IF 1.407)