Research Institute for Physical Chemical Problems of the Belarusian State University

The Research Institute for Physical Chemical Problems of the Belarusian State University was organized on the base of research groups worked at the chairs of BSU chemical faculty according to the decision of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR  № 371 dated November 22 nd, 1977 and the Institute begun to function since March 1st, 1978. After the state re-registration at the end of 1999 it is referred to as the Establishment of the Belarusian State University «Research Institute for Physical Chemical Problems» (RI PCP BSU).

The main tasks of the Institute are:
· organization of R & D and carrying out of the work on the most topical problems of chemistry and related sciences; scientific and innovative activity in the field of chemistry and chemical technology;
· training of (in cooperation with educational divisions of the BSU) QSE with higher education on chemical specialties; development of scientific and pedagogical staff of the higher qualification Ph.D. and D.Sc. for the scientific-engineering complex and the national economy of Belarus as well.

In different years of institute`s lifetime its divisions were headed by academician of the NAS of Belarus Lesnikovich A.I., Corresponding Members of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR Tishchenko I.G. and Starobinets G.L., D.Sc., Prof. Vecher A.A., Petryaev E.P., Matusevich P.A., and other scientists.

At present the Institute consists of 15 scientific divisions. 158 workers including 104 researchers are working in the institute. The research staff includes 7 D.Sc., four of them have the academic rank of the Professor and one of them is the Academician of NAS of Belarus, 53 Ph.D, 216 of them have the academic rank of the Associate professor. 11 D.Sc.  including two Academician NAS of Belarus   are working on the continuing base  and realize scientific supervision in the institute divisions.

Over the Institute  lifetime the purposeful work connected with training of the researchers with high qualification has been carried out. 25 D.Sc. thesis and 208 Ph.D. thesis were fulfilled and defended in the Institute`s divisions.

RI PCP BSU is one of the key institutions of the chemical specialization in Belarus. The scientific and engineering potential of the RI PCP BSU allows to solve complicated complex tasks in the different fields of chemistry and chemical technology and to realize the scientific and engineering support of the separate manufactures and even some sectors of the economy. It refers to the chemical and pharmaceutical industries as well the activities related to the processing of various man-made wastes and the small-capacity and high-technologies chemical productions.

Institute has been determined as a head organization-executor of the State scientific and technical program such as «Low-capacity  chemistry», State scientific research programs such as «Chemical technologies and materials» for the period of  2016-2020.

The results of the Institute investigations were published in 72 monographs and collections of papers, conference materials, reference media and 36 tutorials for the students of chemical and other specialties (eleven from them have the signature of Ministry of Education of Belarus Republic)  were published. 6244 scientific papers  and 5385 abstracts have been published by the researches of the Institute. RI PCP BSU tops the list of  scientific organizations and educational institutes with the highest h-index in Belarus equal to 75 which is determined using SCOPUS database.

32 objects of new techniques, technologies and materials were working out in 2015 y. and 28 of them have been brought to the practical use.
Institute has received 932 safeguards, including USSA 708 copyright certificates for inventions, 197 patents for inventions, 7 patents for utility model, 20 certificates of trademarks registration on the objects of industrial property. Institute has 40 registered license agreements for the right for the industrial property usage.

In 2004-2016 the  Institute`s developments were awarded to 2 special prizes, 55 medals (27 gold, 19 silver, 8 bronze  and one special), 27 diplomas on the international exhibitions and shows.

Institute`s collective for the considerable contribution in organization and practical realization of the results of scientific research in the field of chemistry and chemical technology was awarded to Honourable Diploma of Belarus Council of Ministers in 2009.  Honourable Diploma of the State Committee on Science and Technology of Belarus in 1998, Honor Diploma of the Ministry of Education of Belarus in 1998.

According to the results of yearly republican competition between state scientific organizations and scientific service organizations RI PCP BSU in 2005-2012 yy. was recognized as the winner seven times and was marked on the Republican board of Honor by the Decrees of the President of the Republic of Belarus.
Institute`s collective (Prof. M. Artemyev, Academicians of NAS of Belarus A. Lesnikovich and O. Ivashkevich) for the cycle of works «New inorganic compounds and materials based on micro- and nanoparticles: preparation, properties and application» was awarded to the State Prize in Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus (Presidential Decree № 401 dated September 9, 2013).

RI PCP BSU was recognized as the winner in the competition «The organization of inventive activity and the management of intellectual property» and was awarded to the Diploma of the National Intellectual Property Center in 2012.

The Certification Body for fuels and chemical products was created and accredited in RI PCP BSU in 2013, which is included in the Unified Register of certification bodies and testing centers of the customs union, Registration number of accreditation certificate is BY/112 100.01, valid until 21.11.2026.
Scientific and production unitary enterprise «Unidragmet BSU» and «Unihimprom BSU» on production of import-substituting high-tech fine chemical products were established in the structure of the BSU in 1999-2001 on the basis of structural divisions, human resources and scientific and technological developments of the Institute in 1999-2001.
Postal address: 14, Leningradskaya str., 220006 Minsk, Republic of Belarus.
Phone: + 375 (17) 366-41-89; fax: : + 375 (17) 366-46-96; e-mail: