Technology for the production of complex energy fatty dry feed for cattle (利用榨油废料的 大型有角牲畜 复合能量油性干饲料生产技术)
Technology for the production of complex energy feed for cattle from dry protected fat isolated from oilseed processing waste
Complex feed is designed to enrich the diet of animals with protein and minerals.
Advantages of using feed:
- prevents the exhaustion of animals during the period of increasing productivity;
- normalizes and activates metabolism in young growing individuals;
- increases the productivity of dairy cows;
- increases weight gain;
- enhances the immune and hormonal status of animals;
- normalizes fiber digestibility.
The metabolic energy of the feed is 35.89 MJ/kg or 8568 kcal/kg.
Composition of dry protected fat:
- salts of fatty acids ~10 wt.%;
- minerals ~ 60 wt.%;
- fiber – at least 10 wt.%;
- proteins – not less than 15 wt.%;
- water < 5 wt.%.
Leaflet in CHINESE (传单)