Production of the Petroleum-Polymeric Resins by Catalytic Method

Patent of the Republic Belarus 2311

Patent of Russia 2057764
Phone:+375 (17) 209-51-75; 209-53-07

We propose a new catalytic method of petroleum-polymeric resins (PR) production. These resins can be used as the film-formerscomposition for paints and as the sealing compounds for flake boards.

Used In:

  • varnish and paint industries
  • pulp and paper industry
  • tire industry
  • construction industry 

Technical Characteristics:

color according to the iodometric scale, mg I2/100 cm3


softening temperature, oC


compatibility with vegetable oil






Technological advantages of petroleum resins production:

  • since the technology utilizes C9–fraction obtained as a result of the complex petroleum refining, it requires less materials and resources to produce PR 
  • allows ecological improvement due to the wasteless production of PR and replacement of phenol-formaldehyde resins in the flake boards 
  • replacement of a the vegetable oil with cheaper synthetic film-former used in the pains, rosins, latexes‚ phenol-formaldehydes, indene–coumaron and other resins 
  • reduced power expenditures relative to thermal polymerization.

The technology has been applied at the plants of «Lesokhimik» Corporation (Borisov, Belarus) and «Zavod Gornogo Voska» Company (Svisloch, Belarus).

Forms of Cooperation:
We see various ways of collaboration from the joint research projects to selling the developed know-how and implementation of the proposed technological process at the Customers’ facilities. We also consider possible to produce the petroleum-polymeric resins for a Customer