Technology of obtaining environmentally friendly heat carrier for local heating systems

Теl.:+375 (17) 209 53 02
The heat carriers TEG-40, TEG-30 of Frioland trademark are used as working fluid in local systems of heating of inhabited and industrial buildings. TEG-40 and TEG-30 protect from freezing and reliably protect from corrosion.
Characteristics: quality indicators of the heat carriers TEG-30 and TEG-40 correspond with TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS BY 100050710.144-2011.

- ecologically safe because they don’t contain toxic substances - ethylene glycol and carcinogenic additives;
- suitable for a variety of heating systems, including solar heating systems;
- capable to support perfect condition of heating systems in the range of temperatures from minus 40°C to plus 108 °C for a long period of time (till 5 years and more);
- have a high anticorrosive properties to steel, iron, aluminum.


OJSC "Gomelchimtorg", Gomel, st. Mogilevskaya, 20, Ph. / Fax: 375-232-54-99-58
Forms of cooperation:
1.The transfer (sale) of rights to use technology of obtaining environmentally friendly heat carriers for local heating systems through licensing agreements (non-exclusive license).
Теl.:+375 (17) 209 53 02
2. Technical assistance at establishment of productions and implementation of fieldsupervision
Теl.:+375 (17) 209 53 02