Основные публикации


2023 г.

Mičušík M., Šlouf M., Stepura A., Soyka Y., Ovodok E., Procházka M., Omastová M. Aging of 2D MXene nanoparticles in air: An XPS and TEM study // Applied Surface Science. 2023. Vol. 610. P. 155351. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apsusc.2022.155351

Ivanovskaya M., Chernyakova K., Ovodok E., Poznyak S., Kotsikau D., Micusik M. Synthesis and structural features of black TiO2 nanotubes after annealing in hydrogen // Materials Chemistry and Physics. 2023. Vol. 297. P. 127416. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matchemphys.2023.127416

Ovodok E.A., Ivanovskaya M.I., Poznyak S.K., Maltanova A.M., Azarko I.I., Micusik M., Omastava M., Aniskevich A. Synthesis of Ti3AlC2 max phase under vacuum, its structural characterization and using for Ti3C2Tx MXene preparation // Thin Solid Films. 2023. Vol. 771. P. 139759. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tsf.2023.139759

Tarasenka N.N., Kornev V.G., Nevar A. A., Lee S.J., Maltanava H.M., Poznyak S.K., Choi M.Y., Tarasenka N.V. Synthesis of ZnO/C Nanocomposites via Liquid-Assisted Laser Ablation in an Applied Electric Field for Super capacitor Applications // ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2023. Vol. 6, № 7. P. 5918-5929. https://doi.org/10.1021/acsanm.3c00310

Kimakova T., Kondrakhova D., Ovodok E., Ivanovskaya M., Kormosh B., Vorobiov S., Lisnichuk M., Bilanych V., Komanicky V. Sensors Based on Tin and Indium Oxides for the Determination of Acetone in Human Breath // ACS Omega 2023. Vol. 8, № 43. P. 40078-40086. https://doi.org/10.1021/acsomega.3c02125

Belko N., Maltanava H., Lugovski A., Shundalau M., Osika Yu., Smaliakou A., Fatykhava S., Shabunya P., Lamberti P., Samtsov M., Poznyak S. Indotricarbocyanine dyes relevant for photodynamic therapy and their radicals: substituent effects studied by optical and electrochemical methods // Dyes Pigments 2023. Vol. 216. P. 111344 (9 p.). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dyepig.2023.111344

Maltanava H., Stojadinovic S., Vasilic R., Karpushenkov S., Belko N., Samtsov M., Poznyak S. Photoluminescent coatings on zinc alloy prepared by plasma electrolytic oxidation in aluminate electrolyte // Coatings 2023. Vol. 13. P. 848 (24 p.). https://doi.org/10.3390/coatings13050848

Belko N., Maltanava H., Lugovski A., Fatykhava S., Shabunya P., Tabolich A., Samtsov M., Poznyak S. Electrooxidation of rhodamine B hydrazide // New J. Chem. 2023. Vol. 47. P. 15318-15324. https://doi.org/10.1039/D3NJ02914J

Belko N., Maltanava H., Lugovski A., Ferreira R. A., Correia S. F., Shabunya P., Fatykhava S., Tabolich A., Kulahava T., Bahdanava A., Ferreira M., Tedim J., Poznyak S., Samtsov M. pH-sensitive fluorescent sensor for Fe (III) and Cu (II) ions based on rhodamine B acylhydrazone: sensing mechanism and bioimaging in living cells // Microchem. J. 2023. P. 108744 (11 p.).

Kobets A., Vorobyova Т., Galuza M., Kudaka A., Novikau U. Conductive polyacrylate coatings filled with bimetal Cu–Ni, Zn–Cu or Zn–Ni powders and graphene nanoplatelets // Polym. Composite. 2024. Vol. 43 (1). P. 617-630. https://doi.org/10.1002/pc.27801

Siamionau U.V., Aniskevich Y.M., Ragoisha G.A, Streltsov E.A. MnO2 electrodeposition at the positive electrode of zinc-ion aqueous battery containing Zn2+ and Mn2+ cations // J. Solid State Electrochem. 2023. Vol. 27. P. 1911-1918. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10008-023-05467-0

Kokits O., Aniskevich Y., Mazanik A., Yakimenko O., Ragoisha G., Myung S.T., Streltsov E. Origin of electrochemical activation on vanadium hexacyanoferrate cathode for aqueous zinc-ion battery // Energy Storage Materials, 2023. Vol. 63. 103017.

Ragoisha G. Harmfulness of polysemantic terms in electrochemistry // J. Solid State Electrochem. 2024. Vol 28. P. 1305-1311. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10008-023-05711-7

Kobets A.V., Audzeychyk I.A., Vorobyova T.N., Novikov U.P. Silicate coatings filled with zinc powder and graphene nanoplates for steel corrosion // Chemical problems. 2023. Vol. 21 (1). P. 29-40. http://dx.doi.org/10.32737/2221-8688-2023-1-29-40

Shikun, M.A., Vrublevskaya O.N., Sviridov D.V. Electrodeposition of a near-eutectic Sn-Ag alloy from a mixed choline chloride, ethylene glycol and urea electrolyte // Chemistry Select. 2023. Vol. 8, № 15. (9 pages). https://doi.org/10.1002/slct.202203249

Лобов Б.Н., Бураков М.А., Цыбульская Л.С., Шендюков В.С., Мантуров Д.С., Аникина Е.Д. Электрические и механические свойства покрытий на основе никеля, допированные бором или фосфором // Известия вузов. Электромеханика. 2022. Т. 65, №4. С. 31-37.  

Бураков М.А., Лобов Б.Н., Шендюков В.С., Цыбульская Л.С., Мантуров Д.С., Аникина Е.Д., Ецков Т.А. Сравнение механических и электрических характеристик металлокерамических контактов с контактами, имеющими гальванические покрытия, допированные неметаллами // Известия вузов. Электромеханика. 2023. Т. 66, № 2. С. 17-21. https://doi.org/10.17213/0136-3360-2023-2-17-21

Боковец А.С., Рагойша, Г.А., Анискевич Е.Н., Стрельцов Е.А. Сверхрешетки Bi5Te3 как катодный материал водного цинкионного аккумулятора // Журнал Белорусского государственного университета. Химия. 2023. № 1. С. 28-36.  https://doi.org/10.33581/2520-257X-2023-1-28-36

Оводок Е.А., Ивановская М.И., Гаевская Т.В., Кормош В.В., Биланич В.С. Влияние модифицирующих добавок Pd, Pt и Au на сенсорные свойства SnO2 и In2O3 при определении паров ацетона // Журнал Белорусского государственного университета. Химия. 2023. № 2. С. 3-12.

Шендюков В.С., Перевозников С.С., Цыбульская Л.С. Никелевые покрытия с улучшенными адгезионными свойствами, осажденные на поверхность магниевого сплава МА2-1 // Журнал Белорусского государственного университета. Химия. 2023. № 2. С. 42-51.

Оводок Е.А., Позняк С.К., Авдейчик И., Гаевская Т. В., Родионова В.Н., Гусинский А.В., Кашко И.А. Тонкопленочные покрытия на основе Ti3C2Tx (MXene) для поглощения радиоизлучения // Свиридовские чтения: сб. ст. – Минск. 2023. Вып. 19. С. 37-44.

Галуза М.Г., Воробьева Т.Н. Каталитическая активность гальванической латуни при щелочном электролизе воды // Свиридовские чтения: сб. ст. Минск. 2023. Вып. 19. С. 21-36.

Vrublevskaya O.N., Kareva N.Yu., Kalesnik A.D., Kudaka A.A., Bolormaa B., Sevjidsuren G. Catalytic activity and stability of nickel–tin powder alloys in the process of electrochemical hydrogen evolution from alkali solution // Известия Национальной академии наук Беларуси. Серия химических наук. 2023. Т. 59, №3. Р. 183-192. DOI:10.29235/1561-8331-2023-59-3-183-192.

Рабенок А.М., Свиридов Д.В., Врублевская О.Н. Синтез эвтектических сплавов Sn−Ag и Sn–Ag–Cu безэлектролизным осаждением из пирофосфатных растворов // Журнал Белорусского государственного университета. Химия. 2023. № 2. С. 13–21 (англ.).

Шикун М.А., Врублевская О.Н. Сравнительный анализ устойчивости к коррозии покрытий из олова и сплава олово-серебро, осажденных из водного и неводного электролитов // Свиридовские чтения: сб. ст. – Минск. 2023. Вып. 19. С. 56-66. 

2022 г.

  1. Maltanava H., Mazheika S., Starykevich M., Gaevskaya T., Konakov A., Ferro M., Tedim J., Poznyak S. UV-assisted anchoring of gold nanoparticles into TiO2 nanotubes for oxygen electroreduction // J. Electroanal. Chem. – 2021. – Vol. 904. – P. 115844. (IF = 4,598).
  2. Maltanava H., Shiman D., Ovodok E., Svito I., Makarevich M., Kostjuk S., Poznyak S., Aniskevich A. Polymer Coatings Based on Polyisobutylene, Polystyrene and Poly (styrene-block-isobutylene-block-styrene) for Effective Protection of MXenes // Coatings. – 2022. – Vol. 12, Iss. 10. – P. 1477. (IF = 3,236). 
  3. Ivanovskaya M., Chernyakova K., Ovodok E., Poznyak S., Kotsikau D., Azarko I. Nature of paramagnetic defects in electrochemically oxidized titanium // Mater. Chem. Phys. – 2022. – Vol. 278. – P. 125703 (8 p.). (IF = 4,778).
  4. Ovodok E., Kormosh V., Bilanych V., Ivanovskaya M. Acetone vapor sensors based on tin dioxide doped by Au nanoparticles // Ukr. J. Phys. – 2022. – Vol. 67, № 3. – P. 216-223. (IF = 0,621).
  5. Ivanovskaya M.I., Ovodok E.A., Poznyak S.K., Kotsikau D.A., Svito I.A. Surface Structural Features of Two-Dimensional Layered Materials Ti3C2Tx (T= OH, O, F) Investigated by Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy // J. Appl. Spectroscopy – 2022. – Vol. 89, № 4. – P. 644-651. (IF = 0,816).
  6. Mičušík M., Šlouf M., Stepura A., Soyka Y., Ovodok E., Procházka M., Omastová M. Aging of 2D MXene nanoparticles in air: An XPS and TEM study // Applied Surface Science – 2023. – Vol. 610.– p.155351. (IF= 7.392).
  7. Ovodok E., Kormosh V., Bilanych V., Ivanovskaya M. Semiconductor Metal Oxides Doped with Gold Nanoparticles for Use in Acetone Gas Sensors // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. – 2022. – Vol. 2315, № 1, – p. 012018) (IF= 0,547).
  8. Perevoznikov S.S., Tsybulskaya L.S., Shendyukov V.S., Nico Scharnagl. Microstructure, composition and formation mechanism of ultra-black surfaces on the electrodeposited nickel-phosphorous coatings // Surfaces and Interface – 2022. –Vol. 32. – P. 102-127. (IF 6,137)
  9. Tsybulskaya L.S., Perevoznikov S.S., Shendyukov V.S., Kukareko V.A. Effect of Boron Content and Low-Temperature Annealing on the Structure State and Tribological Properties of Electrodeposited Ni-B Coatings // Electroplating and surface treatment  – 2022. Vol. 30, №2. – P. 4-14. 
  10. Siamionau Uladzislau, Aniskevich Yauhen, Mazanik Alexander, Kokits Olga, Ragoisha Genady, Jae Hyeon Jo, Seung-Taek Myung, Streltsov Eugene. Rechargeable zinc-ion batteries with manganese dioxide cathode: How critical is choice of manganese dioxide polymorphs in aqueous solutions? // Journal of Power Sources – 2022. – Vol. 523. – Р. 231023.  (IF= 9.794).
  11. Vorobyova T.N., Kudaka. А.А.  Electrodeposition of Ni–Sn alloy from ethylene glycol electrolyte. Part 1. Cathodic reactions // Trans. Inst. Met. Finish. – 2022. – Vol. 100, № 1. – Р. 36–42.
  12. Vorobyova, T.N. Kudaka А.А. Electrodeposition of Ni–Sn alloy from ethylene glycol electrolyte. Part 2. Reactions in the bulk electrolytes // / Trans. Inst. Met. Finish. – 2022. – Vol. 100, № 3. – Р. 138-144.
  13. Konakov A.O., Vorobyova T.N., Maltanova H.M.,  Scharnagl N., Dremova N.N. Effect of tin dioxide sol on the peculiarities of electrodeposition and structure of copper and nickel coatings  // Surf. Interfaces –2022. – Vol. 32. – August. – Р.102054.
  14. Dzivý D., Pietrikova A., Vrublevskaya O., Shikun M.A. Influnce of multiple reflows and surface finishes on solder joint resistivity // Acta Electrotechnica et Informatica – 2021. – Vol. 21, №. 4. – P. 3–8.
  15. Bolormaa B., Vrublevskaya O.N., Tuvjargal N., Sevjidsuren G. Comparative study of electro-catalytic activity of nickel and nickel-copper catalysts // Proceedings of the Institute of Physics and Technology, Mongolian Academy of Sciences – 2021. – No. 48. – P. 74–83.
  16. Maltanava H., Belko N., Lugovski A., Brezhneva N., Bondarenko E., Chulkin P., Gusakov G., Vileishikova N., Samtsov M., Poznyak S. Spectroelectrochemical and ESR investigation of free radicals derived from indotricarbocyanine dyes for photodynamic therapy // Dyes and Pigments. 2022. Vol. 205. P.  110599. (IF=5.122)

2021 г.

  1. Ivanovskaya M., Ovodok E., Gaevskaya T., Kotsikau D., Kormosh V., Bilanych V., Micusik M. Effect of Au nanoparticles on the gas sensitivity of nanosized SnO2 // Materials Chemistry and Physics. 2021. Vol. 258. P.123858–123866 (IF 4.094).
  2. Dinger J., Reimann T., Ovodok E., Töpfer J. Cation distribution in NiMn2O4 spinel probed by high temperature thermopower measurements // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2021. Vol. 865. P.158909 (IF 5,316).
  3. Monastyreckis G., Stepura A., Soyka Y., Maltanava H., Poznyak S.K., Omastová M., Aniskevich A., Zeleniakiene D. Strain Sensing Coatings for Large Composite Structures Based on 2D MXene Nanoparticles // Sensors 2021. Vol. 21, № 7. P. 2378 (IF 3.576).
  4. Fedotov A., Shendyukov V., Tsybulskaya L., Perevoznikov S. [et al.] Electrodeposition conditions-dependent crystal structure, morphology and electronic properties of Bi films // Journal Alloys and Соmрounds. 2021. Vol. 887, №12. Р. 161451-161462. (IF 5,316).
  5. Perevoznikov S.S.; Yakovlev I.V.; Tsybulskaya L.S.; Lapina O.B. Synthesis and Composition Study of Electrochemically Deposited Ni-P with Increased Surface Area // Coatings. 2021., Vol. 11, № 9. Р. 1071-1083 (IF -3,038).
  6. Kim H.J., Jo J.H., Choi J.U., Voronina N., Ahn D., Jeon T.Y., Yashiro H., Aniskevich Y., Ragoisha G., Streltsov E., Myung S.-T. Long life anode material for potassium ion batteries with high-rate potassium storage // Energy Storage Materials. 2021. Vol. 40. P. 197–208.     (IF=17,789)
  7. Ragoisha G. Comment to the article “How to measure and report the capacity of electrochemical double layers, supercapacitors, and their electrode materials [Text] / G. Ragoisha, Y. Aniskevich // J. Solid State Electrochem. 2021. Vol. 25. P. 753. (IF=2,647)
  8. Bakavets A., Aniskevich Y., Ragoisha G., Mazanik A., Tsyntsaru N., Cesiulis H., Streltsov E. Electrochemistry of bismuth interlayers in (Bi2)m(Bi2Te3)n superlattice. J. Solid State Electrochem. 2021. Vol. 25. P. 2807–2819. (IF=2,647)
  9.  Bakavets A., Aniskevich Y., Ragoisha G., Tsyntsaru N., Cesiulis H., Streltsov E. The optimized electrochemical deposition of bismuth-bismuth telluride layered crystal structures // IOP Conf. Ser.: Materials Science and Engineering. 2021. Vol. 1140. P. 012016 (1-7). (IF=0,51)
  10. Shikun M. A., Vrublevskaya O. N., Vorobyova T. N. Functions of 2-butyne-1,4-diol in the process of tin-silver alloy electrodeposition from the acidic sulfate solution // Surfaces and Interfaces. 2021. Vol. 24. 101059. (IF=4,837).
  11. E. Ovodok, M. Ivanovskaya, D. Kotsikau, V. Kormosh, P. Pylyp, V. Bilanych Structural characterization and gas sensing properties of nanosized tin dioxide material synthesized from tin(ii) sulfate // Ukr. J. Phys. 2021. Vol. 66, № 9. P. 803-810 (IF 0.84).
  12. Maltanava H. M.,  Poznyak S. K.,  Belko N. V.,  Samtsov M. P Optical and electrochemical properties of indotricarbocyanine dyes promising for photodynamic therapy // J. Appl. Spectrosc. V. 88, N3. P. 489–495. (IF = 0.71).

2020 г.

  1. Ivanovskaya M., Ovodok E., Gaevskaya T., Kotsikau D., Bilanych V., Micusik M.   Effect of Au nnanoparticles on the gas sensitivity of nanosized SnO2// Mater. Chem.and Phys.2020 (IF 3.4)
  2. Ivanovskaya M., Ovodok E., Gaevskaya T., Kotsikau D., Kormosh V., Bilanych V., Micusik M.Effect of Au nanoparticles on the gas sensitivity of nanosized SnO2 // Mater. Chem. and Phys.2021. Vol. 258. P.123858–123866. ( IF 3.408).
  3. Ovodok E., Maltanava H., Poznyak S., Ivanovskaya M., Shendyakov V., Spacek V., Scharnagl N., Maia F., Tedim J. Rhodamine-loaded TiO2 particles for detection of polymer coating UV degradation// Materials Today: Proceedings.  2020. Vol. 20. Part 3.P. 320–328.
  4. Ivanovskaya M., Ovodok E., Kotsikau D. Azarko I, Micusik M., Omastova M and Golovanov V. Structural transformation and nature of defects in titanium carbide treated in different redox atmospheres // RSC Advances. 2020. Vol. 10. P. 25602–25608. (IF 2.9).
  5. Ragoisha G.A. Challenge for electrochemical impedance spectroscopy in the dynamic world // J. Solid State Electrochem. 2020. V. 24. P. 2171–2172 (IF 2.646).
  6. Jo J.H.,  Aniskevich Y.,  Kim J., Choi J.U., Kim H.J., Jung Y.H.,  Ahn D., Jeon T.Y., Lee K.-S., Song S.H., Kim H., Ragoisha G., Mazanik A., Streltsov E., Myung S.-T.  New insight on open-structured sodium vanadium oxide as high-capacity and long life cathode for Zn–ion storage: structure, electrochemistry, and first-principles calculation // Adv. Energy Mater. 2020. 2001595 (IF 25.245).
  7. Ragoisha G.A., Aniskevich Y.M., A.S. Bakavets A.S., Streltsov E.A. Electrochemistry of metal adlayers on metal chalcogenides  // J. Solid State Electrochem. 2020. V. 24. P. 2585–2594 (IF 2.646).
  8. Bakavets A., Aniskevich Y., Yakimenko O., Jo J.H., Vernickaite E., Tsyntsaru N., Cesiulis H., Kuo L.-Y., Kaghazchi P., Ragoisha G., Myung S.-T., Streltsov E.  Pulse electrodeposited bismuth-tellurium superlattices with controllable bismuth content // J. Power Sources 450 (2020) 227605 (IF 8.247).
  9. Bouali A.C., Iuzviuk M.H., Serdechnova M., Yasakau K.A., Wieland  D.C.F., Dovzhenko G., Maltanava H., Zobkalo I.A., Ferreira M.G.S., Zheludkevich M.L.Zn-Al LDH growth on AA2024 and zinc and their intercalation with chloride: Comparison of crystal structure and kinetics // Appl. Surf. Sci. 2020.  Vol. 50- P. 144027. (IF=5.155)
  10. Novell-Leruth G., Pérez-Sánchez G., Galvão T. L. P., Boiba D., Poznyak S., Carneiro J., Tedim J., Gomes J. R. B. Unveiling the local structure of  2-mercaptobenzothiazole intercalated in (Zn2Al)  layered double hydroxides // Applied Clay Science. 2020. Vol.198. P.105842. (IF4,605)

2019 г.

  1. Jo J. H., Choi J.U., Cho M.K., Aniskevich Y., Kim H., Ragoisha G., Streltsov E., Kim J., Myung S.-T. Hollandite-Type VO1.75(OH)0.5: Effective sodium storage for high-performance sodium-ion batteries // Adv. Energy Mater. 2019. Vol. 9. No 22. P. 1900603 (1-10). https://doi.org/10.1002/aenm.201900603 (IF=24.884)
  2. .Aniskevich Y. M., Malashchonak M. V., Bakavets A. S., Ragoisha G. A., Streltsov E. A. Determination of the electrochemically active surface area of PbSe and Bi2Te3 films using the deposition of lead atoms// Theor. Experim. Chem. 2019. Vol. 55.  Issue 1. P. 64–71.
  3. .Aniskevich Y., Malashchonak M., Antanovich A., Prudnikau A., Ragoisha G., Streltsov E. Photocurrent switching on electrophoretic CdSe QD electrodes with different ligands// Int. J. Nanosci. 2019. Vol. 18. No. 03-04. 1940053.
  4. Shikun M., Vrublevskaya O., Rabenok A. The obtaining of  Sn-Ag powder alloy by contact displacement in aqueous solutions// Material Science. Non-equilibrium phase transformations. 2019. Vol.5. No 4.  P. 135-137
  5. Kudaka A.A.Vorobyova T.N. Phase transformations at heating of Sn–Ni–Zn powders obtained by cementation from solutions // Materials Science. Non-Equilibrium Phase Transformations. 2019. Vol. 5, No 3. P. 99-101.
  6. Maltanava H.,  Poznyak S.,  Ivanovskaya M.,  Scharnagl N., Starykevich M., Salak A., Soares M.R.,  Mazanik A. Effect of fluoride-mediated transformations on electrocatalytic performance of thermally treated TiO2 nanotubular layers // J. Fluorine Chem. 2019. Vol. 221. P. 34−41. 10.1016/j.jfluchem.2019.02.006. (IF=1.879)
  7. Starykevich M., Maltanava H., Tedim J., Poznyak S. K.,  Ferreira M. G. S. Electrosynthesis of ordered TiO2 nanotubular layers in deep eutectic solvents and their properties// J. Electrochem. Soc.2019. Vol. 166. Iss. 10.P. H377–H386. https://doi.org/10.1149/2.0131910jes(IF=3.120)
  8.  Mikhailau A., Maltanava H., Poznyak S. K., Salak A. N., Zheludkevich M. L., Yasakau K. A., Ferreira M. G. S. One-step synthesis and growth mechanism of nitrate intercalated ZnAl LDH conversion coatings on zinc // Chem Comm. 2019. Vol. 55. Iss. 48. P.6878–6881. https://doi.org/10.1039/c9cc02571e. (IF=6.164)
  9.  Ragoisha G.A., Aniskevich Y. M.. Capacitive and non-capacitive currents in electroactive systems. //International Workshop on Electrochemistry of Electroactive Materials, WEEM-2019, June 16–21, 2019, Borovets, Bulgaria. P. 80-82.

 2018 г.

  1. Park Jae-Sang, Jo Jae-Hyeon, Y. Aniskevich, A. Bakavets, G. Ragoisha, E. Streltsov, Kim Jongsoon, Myung Seung-Taek. Open-structured vanadium dioxide as an intercalation host for Zn ions: investigation by first-principles calculation and experiments // Chemistry of Materials. 2018.  Vol.30.P. 6777–6787; doi: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.8b02679.  (IF 9,890).
  2. Bakavets A.S., Aniskevich Y.M., Ragoisha G.A., Streltsov E.A.. Underpotential deposition of  lead onto Bi2Te3/Te heterostructures // Electrochemistry Communications. 2018. Vol.94. P.23–26; doi: 10.1016/j.elecom.2018.07.018. (IF 4,820).
  3. Ovodok E., Maltanava H., Poznyak S., Ivanovskaya M., Kudlash A., Scharnagl N., Tedim J. Sol-gel template synthesis of mesoporous carbon-doped TiO2 with photocatalytic activity under visible light // Materials Today: Proceedings.2018. Vol. 2. Iss. 9. Part 2. P. 17422-17443.
  4. Maltanava H., Poznyak S., Ovodok E., Ivanovskaya M., Frederico M., Kudlash A., Scharnagl N., Tedim J. Synthesis of ZnO mesoporous powders and their application in dye photodegradation // Materials Today: Proceedings. 2018. Vol. 2. Iss. 9. Part 2. P. 17414-17421.
  5. Lisenkov A. D., Poznyak S. K., Almeida C. M. R.,. Zheludkevich M. L, Ferreira M. G. S. Encapsulation of Al and Ti-Al alloy 1-D nanorods into oxide matrix by powerful pulsed discharge method // J. Solid State Electrochem. 2018. DOI: 10.1007/s10008-018-4083-z.
  6. Тishkevich D.I., Grabchikov S.S., Tsybulskaya L.S., Shendyukov V.S., Perevoznikov S.S., Trukhanov A.V. Electrochemical deposition regimes and critical influence of organic additives on the structure of Bi films // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2018. Vol. 735. P. 1943-1948.
  7.  Aniskevich Y., Antanovich A., Prudnikau A. V., Artemyev M., Mazanik A. V., Ragoisha G., Streltsov E. A. Underpotential deposition of cadmium on colloidal CdSe quantum dots: effect of particle size and surface ligands // Journal. Phys. Chem. C – 2018, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b10318. (IF 4.484).
  8. Vrublevskaya O.N. A Review of Developments in Au-Sn Eutectic Alloy Electrodeposition // Innovations in Corrosion and Materials Science. 2018. Vol. 8, № 1. P. 2-23. DOI: 10.2174/2352094908666180907155204.
  9. Shikun M., Vrublevskaya O. Method of cyclic voltammograms in the determination of Sn(II) in strongly acid electrolytes for tin electrodeposition // Proceedings of the 14th ISC Modern Analytical Chemistry. Prague 2018. P. 169-174.


  1. Ivanou D.K., Ivanova Yu.A., Ragoisha G.A., Aniskevich Y.M., Chulkin P.V. and Streltsov E.A. Electrodeposition of tellurium and on tellurium: Chapter 4 in: Tellurium: Properties, Uses and Research, D. Grey (Ed.), Nova Science Publ. N.Y. 2017. P. 171-208.
  2. Ivanov D.K., Ivanova Yu.A., Poznyak S.K., Starikevich M., Ferreira M., Mendes A., Streltsov E.A. Spectral sensitization of TiO2 with electrodeposited PbSe: improvement of photocurrent stability and light conversion efficiency// Electrochim. Acta. 2017. Vol. 249. P. 369-376. (IF 3,289).
  3. Maltanava H., Poznyak S., Starykevich M., Ivanovskaya M. Electrocatalytic activity of Au nanoparticles onto TiOnanotubular layers in oxygen electroreduction reaction: size and support effects// Electrochim. Acta. 2016. Vol. 222.  P.1013 - 1020. (IF 3,289).
  4. Maltanava H. M., Poznyak S. K., AndreevaD. V., Quevedo M. C., Bastos A. C.,Tedim J., Ferreira M. G. S., Skorb E. V. Light-induced proton pumping with a semiconductor: vision forphotoproton lateral separation and robust manipulation// ACS Appl. Mater. Interface2017. Vol. 9, N 28.  P. 24282-24289 (IF 7.504)
  5. Ovodok E., Maltanava A., Poznyak S., Ivanovskaya M., Kudlash A., Scharnagl N, Tedim J. Synthesis and characterization of efficient TiO2 mesoporous photocatalysts//Materials Today: Proceedings. 2017. Vol.4. P.11526 − 11533. 
  6. Bakavets A.S., Aniskevich Y.M., Ragoisha G.A., Streltsov E.A. Bismuth and lead underpotential deposition on bismuth telluride: new insights into the electrochemical synthesis of bismuth telluride and evaluation of real surface area// Journal BSU. Chemistry2017. No. 2. P. 3-13.
  7. Maltanava H. M., Poznyak S. K., Ivanovskaya M. I., Gaevskaya T. V. Photocatalytically prepared Au nanoparticles on TiO2 nanotubes for electrocatalytic application// In: Physics, Chemistry and Application of Nanostructures. Reviews and Short Notes to Nanomeeting-2017 / eds. V.E. Borisenko [et al.]. – World Scientific, 2017.P. 315–318.

2016 г.

  1. Kopf J., Ulasevich S., Baidukova O., Zhukova Y., Dunlop J., Fratzl P., Rikeit P., Knaus P., Poznyak S., Andreeva D., Skorb E. Ultrasonically produced porous sponge layer on titanium to guide cell behavior // Advanced Engineering Materials. 2016. Vol. 18. № 4. P. 476−483.  (IF1.82 ).
  2. Aniskevich Y.M., Malashchonak M.V., Chulkin P.V., Ragoisha G.A., Streltsov E.A. Cadmium underpotential deposition on CdSe and CdS quantum dot films: size dependent underpotential shift // Electrochim. Acta. 2016. Vol. 220. P. 493-499 .  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.electacta.2016.10.132
  3. Malashchonak M.V., Streltsov E.A., Ragoisha G.A., Dergacheva M.B. Urazov K.A. Evaluation of electroactive surface area of CdSe nanoparticles on wide bandgap oxides (TiO2, ZnO) by cadmium underpotential deposition // Electrochem. Commun. 2016. Vol. 72. P. 176-180.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.elecom.2016.10.004
  4. Fedotov A.S.,Shepelevich V.G., Poznyak S.K., Tsybulskaya L.S., Mazanik A.V., Svito I.A., Gusakova S.V.Simulation of polycrystalline bismuth films Seebeck coefficient based on experimental texture identification// Materials of Chemistry and Physics. 2016. Vol. 177. P. 413-416. ( IF 2,25)
  5. Ulasevich S.A., Poznyak S.K., Kulak A.I., Karpushenkov S.A., Lisenkov A.D., Skorb E.V. Deposition of hydroxyapatite-incorporated TiO2 coating on titanium using plasma electrolytic oxidation coupled with electrophoretic deposition // RSC Advances  2016. Vol. 6.  P. 62540-62544 (IF 3.289)  https://doi.org/10.1039/C6RA10560B
  6. Ulasevich S.A., Brezesinski G., Möhwald H., Fratzl P., Schacher F.H., Poznyak S.K., Andreeva D.V., Skorb E.V. Light-induced water splitting causes high-amplitude oscillation of pH-sensitive Layer-by-Layer assemblies on TiO2 // Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.  2016. Vol. 55.  № 42.  P. 13001-13004. (IF 11.709)
  7. Lisenkov A.D., Poznyak S.K., Zheludkevich M.L., Ferreira M.G.S. Aluminum anodization in deionized water as electrolyte // J. Electrochem. Soc. 2016.  Vol. 163. №7.  P. C364-C368(IF 3.014)
  8.  Ulasevich S.A., Poznyak S.K., Kulak A.I., Lisenkov A.D.,Starykevich M., Skorb E.V. Photocatalytic deposition of hydroxyapatite onto titanium dioxide nanotubular layer with fine tuning of layer nanoarchitecture // Langmuir 2016. Vol. 32. №16. P. 4016-4021 (IF 3.993)
  9. Osipovich N.P., Poznyak S.K., Lesnyak V., Gaponik N. Cyclic voltammetry as a sensitive method for in situ probing of chemical transformations in quantum dots // Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2016. Vol. 18. P. 10355-10361 (IF 4.449) https://doi.org/10.1039/C6CP01085G
  10. Vorobyova T. N., Vrublevskaya O. N., Galuzo M. G., Glibin V.P. Chemical synthesis of Cu–Sn powder by tin(II) cementation with copper in aqueous solution // Surfaces and Interfaces 2016. Vol. 4. P. 9–17(IF 1.449) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.surfin.2016.07.009
  11. Kobets А.М, Vorobyova T. N. Palladium catalyst synthesis through sol-gel processing for electroless nickel deposition on glass / Thin Solid Films  2016. Vol. 616.  P. 793-799 (IF 1.761) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tsf.2016.10.021